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Sustainable Packaging Supplies Servicing Supermarkets, Retailers, C-Stores, QSR & Foodservice

The New Jersey Polystyrene Foam Ban: What You MUST Know

In recent years, the movement toward sustainability has gained significant traction. A testament to this shift is the New Jersey polystyrene foam ban, which underscores the state’s commitment to a cleaner, greener environment.

Businesses, especially those reliant on foam trays for packaging, need to be abreast of the nuances of this regulation.

Let’s delve into the specifics of this New Jersey polystyrene foam ban and the promising alternatives on the horizon.

The Basics of the New Jersey Polystyrene Foam Ban

Initiation of the Ban

Since May 4, 2022, New Jersey has mandated a landmark ban affecting retail stores, grocery stores, and foodservice businesses.

This legislation outlaws the use and sale of all single-use plastic carryout bags, plastic straws (unless requested by the customer), and polystyrene foam foodservice products—with specific exemptions for foam that sunset soon, which this article will discuss.

Of particular note to many retailers is the prohibition on foam trays, a popular choice for packaging meats due to their low cost and functional design.

Penalties for Non-Compliance

Businesses must be cautious. A mere oversight can lead to a warning for the first offense. But subsequent violations can result in penalties ranging from $1,000 per day for the second offense to a staggering $5,000 per day for the third and subsequent infringements.

This escalating fine system emphasizes the criticality of compliance.

Dive into the Exemptions

Current Exemptions from the Polystyrene Foam Ban

For now, the ban accommodates certain exceptions. Notably, foam meat and fish trays, vital for packaging raw or butchered products sold from refrigerators or similar retail appliances, are currently exempt. However, this grace period is fleeting, with the exemption set to expire on May 4, 2024.

Preparing for the Expiry of Foam Tray Exemptions

The clock is ticking. As the exemption expiry nears, businesses must act proactively. The repercussions of tardiness can range from financial penalties to potential reputational damage, given the growing consumer demand for eco-friendly practices.

Transitioning from Foam Trays to Sustainable Alternatives

Why Fiber/Pulp Trays?

In the wake of the New Jersey polystyrene foam ban, businesses might wonder about the best alternatives. Enter fiber/pulp trays—a sustainable solution that meets both environmental and functional needs.

Made from renewable sources, these trays are not just biodegradable but also offer compostability, making them an exemplary choice for the eco-conscious retailer.

Implementing Fiber/Pulp Trays in Your Business

Transitioning to fiber/pulp trays can be seamless with the right approach. While the initial cost may be marginally higher, the long-term gains, both in terms of eco-friendliness and customer perception, can outweigh the investments.

Moreover, these trays often offer a longer shelf life for products, superior moisture absorption, and an enhanced aesthetic appeal—key factors that can boost sales.

Benefits of Using Fiber/Pulp Trays

The advantages of fiber/pulp trays extend beyond mere compliance with the New Jersey polystyrene foam ban.

They provide a better environment for products, ensuring longer freshness, and reduce the carbon footprint of businesses, aligning with the broader global push towards sustainability.

Plus, the contemporary consumer appreciates and often expects such eco-friendly measures, making the switch a strategic business decision as well.

Servous: Leading the Change with Sustainable Fiber/Pulp Trays

Servous emerges as a beacon in these changing times, offering businesses a path to both compliance and eco-consciousness.

With a deep-seated commitment to sustainability, Servous is pioneering the shift towards high-quality fiber/pulp trays, making it easier for businesses to adapt to the New Jersey polystyrene foam ban.

Why Choose Servous?

Selecting Servous isn’t merely about purchasing an alternative to foam trays. It’s about partnering with a brand that understands the pulse of the market.

The fiber/pulp trays offered by Servous boast of superior quality, ensuring that businesses don’t compromise on their product presentation or functionality.

Numerous testimonials underscore the transformative impact of Servous’s offerings, solidifying its reputation in the market.

Contacting Servous

For businesses ready to transition to a greener, compliant future, Servous is just a click away. Offering customized solutions tailored to diverse needs, the company ensures that every business, regardless of size or scale, finds its perfect fit.

You can embark on this sustainable journey with Servous by contacting us for a fiber/pulp tray quote.


Adhering to the New Jersey polystyrene foam ban isn’t merely a regulatory requirement; it’s a step towards a more sustainable and environmentally responsible future.

As foam tray exemptions inch closer to their expiration, businesses have the golden opportunity to reinvent, adapt, and align with the growing green wave. And with partners like Servous leading the way, the path to sustainability has never looked brighter.Contact us today to stay ahead of the foam ban.

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